Generate Data Insights with Copilot in Excel

Transforming Your Data Workflows with Copilot

In this session, you’ll discover how Microsoft 365 Copilot can streamline data management in Excel. From automating data entry to analyzing trends and generating reports, Copilot takes care of repetitive tasks, freeing you to focus on high-level decision-making and strategy.

By the end of this session, you’ll have mastered techniques that make data workflows faster, more accurate, and aligned with strategic goals.

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Automating Data Tasks in Excel

Working with large datasets in Excel can be tedious and prone to errors. Copilot automates data entry, analysis, and reporting to make your workflow faster, more efficient, and free of mistakes, allowing you to focus on interpreting insights rather than handling repetitive tasks.

Why Automate Data Tasks in Excel?

Manually managing large datasets slows down workflows and risks inaccuracies that can impact decisions. Copilot automates the entire process—handling data inputs, running advanced analyses, and generating reports. This way, you can dedicate your time to interpreting insights and acting on them.

Benefits of Data Automation:

  • Save Time: Automating repetitive tasks frees up time for more critical decision-making.
  • Increase Accuracy: Minimize human error and ensure reliable data for strategic decisions.
  • Improve Efficiency: With Copilot handling the details, focus on using data to drive impactful initiatives.

Automating Your Data Workflow with Copilot

1. Automate Data Entry

The first step in working with data is often inputting information. Manually entering numbers, dates, or metrics is not only slow but also introduces the risk of errors. Copilot can pull data from external sources or handle recurring entries, making this process seamless.

“Copilot, import daily sales data from [source] and populate the Excel sheet.”

By automating data entry, you reduce the potential for mistakes and ensure that your data is always up-to-date. This is particularly helpful for recurring tasks, like pulling sales numbers or inventory updates, allowing you to focus on analysis rather than input.

2. Analyze Data with AI-Powered Insights

Once the data is in Excel, Copilot can instantly analyze it, identifying key trends or performance gaps. This allows you to focus on the strategic implications of the insights rather than the process of uncovering them.

“Copilot, analyze the quarterly sales data and highlight the top-performing regions.”

Copilot’s analysis is instant, eliminating the need to manually sort through rows of data or build complicated formulas. It’s like having an in-house analyst working alongside you, ensuring that you’re always focused on the most relevant insights.

3. Generate Reports and Visualizations

Data is only valuable when it’s easy to understand and share. Creating reports and visualizations from raw data can be time-consuming, but Copilot makes this process simple. With a single prompt, Copilot can create a professional report with visual summaries like charts, graphs, and tables, making your data easier to digest and present.

“Copilot, generate a financial report with visual summaries of key metrics.”

In seconds, you’ll have a polished report ready to share with stakeholders, complete with pie charts, bar graphs, and tables to illustrate your data. Whether it’s for a quick update or a detailed financial presentation, Copilot helps you communicate data clearly and effectively.

Building Your Leadership Playbook

Now that you’ve seen how Copilot can handle data tasks, it’s time to document these processes in your Leadership Playbook. This will allow you to keep track of how Copilot improves your workflow and helps you apply automation across various tasks.

Task: Automating Sales Performance Tracking

In your Playbook, outline the steps for automating a recurring data-related task. Let’s use sales performance tracking as an example.


  • Data Entry – Use Copilot to automatically pull sales data from your CRM and populate the relevant Excel sheet.
  • Analysis – Prompt Copilot to analyze the data, identifying trends, top-performing regions, and opportunities for improvement.
  • Reporting – Generate a weekly sales report with visual summaries to present to stakeholders.

By documenting this workflow, you’ll ensure that each time you need to track sales, the process is streamlined and automated, saving time and reducing errors.

Activity: Automate a Dataset with Copilot

It’s time to put Copilot to the test. Choose a dataset you frequently manage in Excel and let Copilot automate the data entry, analysis, and report generation.


  • Choose a Dataset: Select a dataset such as sales data, expenses, or employee hours.
  • Automate Data Entry: Use Copilot to automate data input.
  • Analyze the Data: Let Copilot scan the dataset and generate insights.
  • Generate a Report: Have Copilot create a detailed report to visualize the data.
  • Document the Process: Record the steps in your Playbook.

Example Outcome:

Dataset: Monthly sales data.

"Copilot, analyze sales data and generate a report highlighting top-selling products."

Result: Copilot creates a detailed report, including bar graphs and trend analysis, saving hours of manual work.

By documenting this process, you’ll be able to replicate it for other datasets, ensuring consistency and efficiency across all your data tasks.

Reflection: Copilot’s Impact on Your Data Workflow

After using Copilot to automate your data tasks, take a moment to reflect on how it changed your workflow. Add these insights to your Playbook:

  • How did Copilot improve your data tasks?
  • What insights did Copilot help you uncover?
  • Where else could you apply Copilot for greater efficiency?

These reflections will guide your continued use of Copilot and help you optimize your workflow as you discover new ways to leverage AI.

Check Your Understanding

Before moving on to the next session, let’s ensure you’ve grasped the key concepts of Copilot for Excel. Complete the following questions:

Automating Data with Copilot

Congratulations! You’ve learned how Microsoft 365 Copilot automates data entry, analysis, and reporting in Excel, making your workflows faster and more efficient. Be sure to document these processes in your Playbook and refine them as you discover more ways Copilot can enhance your tasks.

In the next session, we’ll explore how Copilot can streamline presentation creation in PowerPoint. Let’s keep building on this momentum to transform your productivity further!

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